Books & guides

Everyone has a handful of trusted books that they turn to year after year when they’re in need of entertainment, guidance or a reset. Here are a few of my favorites…


Note: although several of the books on this list are intended for natural births, I highly recommend them for anyone, regardless of your birth plan. Since hours (or days) of labor can happen at home, I think it’s wise to understand labor, know the different phases of childbirth and have pain management techniques in your back pocket. It can be very empowering to feel prepared in this way, particularly for your first child.

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin

The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth by Genevieve Howland

The Postnatal Depletion Cure by Dr. Oscar Serrallach

YOGA Birth Method by Dorothy Guerra

The Doula’s Guide to Empowering Your Birth by Lindsey Bliss

Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way by Susan McCutcheon


Signs by Laura Lynne Jackson

Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss, MD

The Circle by Laura Day

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

The Seeker’s Manual by Arda